Everyone loves Valentine’s Day, right? The elementary memories of stressing about which Valentine to give to your classmates, which cutesy saying might not embarrass us… Our children with ASD may feel those pressures and anxieties amplified. Valentine’s Day brings multiple potential triggers for our friends 
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“Sensory Seekers” is a phrase used to describe those whose sensory system craves more input than the average person. It’s a common trait in children with sensory processing disorders like ASD or ADHD. Sensory-seekers are often drawn to stimuli like loud noises, bright lights, fast 
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Holidays can be a joyous time spent with family and friends, but they can also be overwhelming for families with children on the Autism Spectrum. Thanksgiving especially, is a holiday that requires a lot from our senses. There are crowds of people, excessive noises, new 
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Convenient Locations In Iowa & Minnesota INFO
Enroll now in Altoona, Ankeny, Waukee, West Des Moines, Edina, or Woodbury.
Iowa families please note - Hawki insurance plans do not provide coverage for ABA therapy services. Please contact Iowa Compass for guidance on state grants or other funding that may be available for your family.